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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Wild Green Future?

Wild Green Future is the official nonprofit partner of Wild Green Memes for Ecological Fiends. It exists to generate and direct donations to worthy conservation causes, to provide organizational support for knowledgeable individuals with conservation projects, and to address conservation issues through direct initiatives. 

What is the difference between Wild Green Future and Wild Green Memes for Ecological Fiends?

Wild Green Future is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, formed to facilitate conservation through strategic outreach, funding, and loans for conservation causes. Donations to Wild Green Future are tax deductible. ​


Wild Green Memes for Ecological Fiends is an online community run by Wild Green Media LLC across multiple social media platforms with a focus on humorous user-generated wildlife and pro-conservation content. Both are devoted to a sustainable future for humanity and the natural world, but Wild Green Media is not a nonprofit and so its merchandise sales and Patreon subscriptions are not tax deductible.

What kinds of projects and initiatives does Wild Green Future work with?

We are very interested in hearing from potential partners for the future. If the following traits sound like you, send us an email through the contact page!


  • We focus on projects with at least one of two goals: to conserve and sustain the biodiversity of life on Earth, and to affirm the rights of its people to a healthy environment by supporting their efforts to increase the ecological security of their communities. Environmental problems are ultimately economic problems, and the goals of environmental sustainability and human wellbeing are inseparably linked. We are interested in projects which focus on either of these causes, and are especially interested in those which directly benefit both.

  • We focus on projects that create systemic improvements, rather than one-off changes or stopgap measures, so that our impact may magnify over time. For example, we are more likely to fund a project that strengthens an organization that plays a role in protecting wildlife habitat than to fund the purchase of wildlife habitat itself.

  • Due to IRS limitations under our current designation, we can only work with organizations which are registered as a 501(c)3 in the United States, or which have a preexisting partnership with a nonprofit under that registration in the United States.

  • We seek partners with a variety of strategies and specific causes. If one approach doesn’t work in one place, we have still made a difference by investing in more successful efforts in another.

  • Though basic research is worthwhile, we do not fund basic research projects, and instead focus on efforts with direct conservation benefits.

  • We do not pay overhead or administrative fees on grants awarded.

  • We focus on promising, small nonprofits or projects, so that our funds make the highest qualitative impact by significantly increasing the logistical possibility and financial sustainability of the systems being built.

  • Finally, we focus our funding on projects with quantifiable results (x number of acres protected, y dollars saved per year, etc).

What if my 2023 Charity Battle stickers got lost in the mail?

For any questions regarding 2023 Charity Battle sticker rewards, send an email to

Where can I find Wild Green Future’s IRS Letter of Determination?

​Right here!

Have a question that isn't covered by the FAQ?

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